Palladium is a rare and valuable precious metal that is used in a variety of industries, including automotive, electronics, and jewelry. In recent years, the demand for palladium has increased significantly, driving up its price. This makes palladium an attractive investment opportunity for retirement savers.
To open a palladium IRA, you will need to contact a self-directed IRA custodian. Self-directed IRA custodians allow you to invest in a variety of assets, including precious metals.
Once you have opened a palladium IRA, you can purchase palladium coins and bars from a reputable dealer. Palladium coins and bars must be at least .9995 pure to be eligible for IRA investment.
The following palladium products are eligible for IRA investment:
To learn more about palladium investing and how to open a palladium IRA, download our free precious metals investment guide. This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about investing in precious metals, including palladium, gold, silver, and platinum.
Click here to download your free precious metals investment guide.
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